Monday, October 22, 2007

Wishing You all a very Happy Dusshehra!!! Please find time to read this!

Hi all!

It would be a big help if you pass on the message about to the BIETians in touch with you.

You can really help us by sending the email id of atleast two BIETians so that they may be invited to join this Blog and given "Author-rights". They may personally send in their email id, if you have already informed them about it.

Please dont forget that this is the First Serious Effort we can undertake to get back our alumni, our batchmates, our seniors and juniors back...together!

A lot of you have asked about the moderator and the proposed content. Genuine questions...
But the onus lies on you to bring up solutions for that.

Please make sure that the content is in line with the MISSION STATEMENT of our Blog.

Those who have already joined, please find time to use this blogspace to let us know where you are, how have you been doing, and what moments do you want to share with us, the fellow BIETians......

As we always say and believe, This is a shareware. And it's all yours!



Ashutosh Pandey said...

how can i join this blog sir?

Ashutosh Pandey said...

how can i join this blog sir?

BIET Jhansi said...

Dear Ashutosh!

You have been granted author rights for the BIET Jhansi blog:
